
Blogger Templates

Wednesday 23 April 2014

I'm back again, woo go wilddddddddd, no? ok xxx
I am just getting to the point where i cba to do this anymore, lol i keep forgetting to post and shiz. There was this girl on msp who said i saw your blog! I was like, o really, O REALLY O YE OOPS. And well, i logged on straight away, oopsies*-*. But anyway, i could say i have been busy. But that would be a lie._. All i do is watch Crime scene investigation and PEWWDIEEPIEEE AND MAXXMOEEFOOEE they're just my life omg, ok bye xxx

Sunday 16 March 2014

OMG Hello guys!

Yes, it's been like literally 6-7 months since i posted, but that was just Computer issues and Christmas and my birthday so yeah. But, i am back woo woo woo. Well, tbh i was back 2 months ago, and shockingly i forgot about my blog, so yeah.

Let's just simply start of with the basics, because that seems like an easy place to start. Okay so, quite a while ago the rares came back, haha yeah it was ages ago. But about one month or two months ago, something very exciting happened for eevveerrryyboodddyyy. NEWWW LEVVEELLLSSS, GOO CRAZZYYY AYAYA. I was just on my laptop one night when - Anna - (Anna) Messaged me on skype saying, 'OMG MOLLY MOLLY, THE NEW LEVELS ARE OUT, I'M LEVEL 33 ON PENNYFIELD OMG YESS'. And as she was going crazy, i checked out my account to see what level i was...

That's quite good for me tbh, because when i was 10 or 11, i always dreamed of being level 20, because i was only like level 2 or 4, and i didn't think it could possibllyy evverrr happen but it did! AND HERESS A PICC

Friday 6 September 2013

This girl, pennyfield happens to be my best friend:D. Okai, we get along really well because we are awshum, duh? We have laughs, and i mean LOTS AND LOTS OF LAUGHS OK, HONESTLY LIKE ROLLING ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING. NO JOKE. If like, you are mean to her, i'll just flip a table on you coz' i won't have that, I am realllyyy mouthyy soo i could argue non-stop with you. I've known her for 3 months, and tbh, i hope i know her forever:D. Okay so, anna and molly bff ok xoxo<3 LOve u
Love her tho.

Saturday 10 August 2013


Last time i talked to you about my level, i was level 9 going up to level 10! Now, i've gone past level 10 and level 11! With great thanks to pennyfield and - anna - (The same person). I would appreciate it so much if you took a few minutes to watch 1-5 of my movies (any). I have started doing movie deals, if you watch 1-5 of my movies, i will watch 10 of yours in return:D. Meh fame bar: 
99k left ;)

I'm alittle low on starcoins, but oh well!<3. Another thing, some of you think Candired is a bad person, well she's not, she's actually really nice once you get to know her. She's accepting everybody at the moment! She's given me 2 wishys, my dearest ones, she's wasted 1,400sc on me:'). Anyway, here's a couple of tips to level up:
1. Get a good deal with your moviestar friends,
2. Create back-ups and make them watch all your movies, love your looks,artbooks ect!
3. Do an auto for auto with somebody,
4. And well just ask people for some help, (NICELY:D).

Tuesday 30 July 2013


                           Hey Guys, I haven't been on for ages, but yannoe i was lvl 7 last time...
                            I'm now lvl 9! :D And it feels pretty weird actually, it's like if you flip
                            9 over you get 6 that's what it feels like anyway lol:P.  Here's meh lvl:D:
Sorry it's small._.
Click on it for a better view;)

So yeah, but tbh i would've still been lvl 6 if it wasn't for Pennyfield:). She's put me in sooo many movies.. And help me leveled so much, she's such a great BFF^.^<3 So, here's just a quick shout-out to Awesome Anna:D:
Pennyfield (Anna) On the Left, And me on the right:)

Sunday 28 April 2013

Saturday 27 April 2013

Another blog problem:D

It has come to my intention, that whenever you go all the way down to my blog, you see just like 7 posts.The answer too that is to just click Older posts, and it'll appear with more of my action-packed posts lol. ;) - Molly.